
Check in procedures for hotel reception

Check in Procedures for hotel front office

How to handle check and what are the procedures for front office at hotels. Check in and check out issues are very important issues for the hotel impression.As check in procedures matter very much in terms of guest satisfaction, it is important to perform these procedures as quickly and reliably as possible.

The procedures are as follows;

  • Prepare the registration card before the guest’s arrival and attach the correspondence of available.
  • If the reception desk is quite big, face the guest directly, do not wait for them to come you.
  • Greet the guest politely. Maintain eye contact.
  • Always have a positive attitude.
  • Utter the guest’s name at least for one time.
  • Record all the details about the guest’s stay into the system such as (check in/check out dates, the number of the guests, the period and the price of the stay)
  • Ask the guest to spell his name if necessary.
  • Record the information on the guest’s identification card.
  • Ask about the form of payment. If the payment is not going to be mde by a company or agency, ask the guest to make a prepayment in cash or by credit card.
  • If there are other people next to the guest, do not let them hear the guest’s room number. Show his room number to the guest by using the key card holder.
  • Inform the guest about the hotel briefly.
  • Wish the guest to have a nice stay and assign the bellboy to escort the guest to his room.

@Aykut Bakay


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