
Hotel uniform standards for ladies

Although the uniform and clothing standards for women working in hotels vary in almost every establishment in terms of colour and pattern, five-star hotels and most of the four-star hotels have to follow their own standards. Besides the use of uniforms and suits, hotels also have different disciplines related to this.

The clothing and uniforms of the hotel front office, sales marketing and mid-level management employees who provide one-to-one communication with guests vary according to each hotel, but the standards for women who should be accordingly are as follows.

  • Minimum make-up is preferred. Overly make-up.
  • Nail paint should be flat.
  • Jewellery is limited to one wedding/engagement ring or one discreet necklace. Only earrings may be worn.
  • A watch may be worn.
  • Black, low-heeled, non-slip shoes must be worn.
  • Shoes must be clean and polished at all times.
  • Black or flesh coloured stockings must be worn.
  • Coloured socks are not acceptable
  • Hair should be of a natural colour and tied back with a plain black elastic if below the shoulders.
  • Tattoos should not be visible.
  • Perfumes should be used in moderation.
  • Deodorant must be used.
  • Name badge must be in good condition and must be used



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